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Battery Act
Old batteries are not allowed in the household waste.

Consumers are obliged to bring batteries to a suitable collection point in the municipality. They can be returned free of charge.

Electronic equipment law
Old electronic equipment does not belong to the household waste
Each owner of an old electrical or electronic device is legally obliged to supply it to a disposal separate from the unsorted household waste. The control concerns all electronic and electrical devices, no matter how old.
The separate collection of these devices is intended to ensure, on the one hand, the reuse and utilization of valuable parts of this device and, on the other hand, to help prevent negative consequences in the context of disposal for the environment.
Free collection points are available in your area to return the old equipment.
The symbol of a smeared garbage can says that you need to dispose of electrical and electronic equipment separately from the unsorted household waste.

Further information can be found at the Umweltbundesamt